
UDK: 624.074.6:69.009.182
DOI: n/a

Published: Građevinar 55 (2003) 7
Paper type: Professional paper
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Girder-pier connection modeling according to Eurocode 3

Darko Dujmović, Davor Skejić, Boris Androić


The modeling of girder/pier connections is analyzed taking into account real behavior of such connections as described by the Mj-f curve. General considerations relating to the new connection design philosophy, as based on Eurocode 3, are given in the initial part of the paper. The method of components, an analytical method for characterization of connections, is then described. Components enabling bolted connection between girders and piers are identified and analyzed. The use of the described modeling procedure is shown by means of a specially devised computer program CoP.

application of the new procedure, girder-pier connection, modeling, component method, bolted connection


Dujmović, D., Skejić, D., Androić, B.: Girder-pier connection modeling according to Eurocode 3, GRAĐEVINAR, 55 (2003) 7


Dujmović, D., Skejić, D., Androić, B. (2003). Girder-pier connection modeling according to Eurocode 3, GRAĐEVINAR, 55 (7)
DDujmovic 221112 WEB
Darko Dujmović
Croatian Academy of Technical Sciences
Davor Skejic
Davor Skejić
University of Zagreb,
Faculty of Civil Engineering
Androic WEB
Boris Androić
I.A. projektiranje d.o.o., Zagreb
Croatian Academy of Engineering