
UDK: 624.04.001:159.954/956
DOI: n/a

Published: Građevinar 59 (2007) 3
Paper type: Subject review
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The role of creativity and technical judgement in structural engineering

Josip Dvornik, Damir Lazarević


Specific reasoning patterns of structural engineers, that appear in various phases of the design of structures, are described in the paper. A special emphasis is placed on indispensable faculties, namely creativity and judgement, as they are often of crucial importance during selection of an appropriate structural system and during its static analysis. At that, the attention is drawn to the intuition as it significantly fosters development of such faculties. The contribution of computers in the thinking and decision-making process is briefly described, and related problems that have not as yet been solved are outlined.

static analysis, computer, creativity, technical judgement, intuition, structure


Dvornik, J., Lazarević, D.: The role of creativity and technical judgement in structural engineering, GRAĐEVINAR, 59 (2007) 3


Dvornik, J., Lazarević, D. (2007). The role of creativity and technical judgement in structural engineering, GRAĐEVINAR, 59 (3)
GR13 7 4 1 Dvornik WEB
Josip Dvornik
University of Zagreb,
Faculty of Civil Engineering
lazarevic WEB
Damir Lazarević
University of Zagreb,
Faculty of Civil Engineering