
UDK: 624.073:624.043
DOI: n/a

Published: Građevinar 57 (2005) 12
Paper type: Original scientific paper
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Analysis of thick plates by a finite space element

Antonia Jaguljnjak Lazarević, Heinrich Werner, Lidija Frgić


Possibilities of using a highly accurate finite space element in the linear analysis of plates of arbitrary but constant thickness are presented in the paper. The rectangular three cubical Lagrange element with 192 kinematic degrees of freedom is applied in the analysis. The analytical solution for bisinusoidal bending of a hinged plate, as well as an appropriate numerical model, are described. The comparison of analytical and numerical solutions shows a high level of accuracy as to displacement and stress values obtained by numerical analysis.

linear theory of elasticity, Woinowsky-Krieger, space analysis, Lagrange three cubical finite element, thick pla


Jaguljnjak Lazarević, A., Werner, H., Frgić, L.: Analysis of thick plates by a finite space element, GRAĐEVINAR, 57 (2005) 12


Jaguljnjak Lazarević, A., Werner, H., Frgić, L. (2005). Analysis of thick plates by a finite space element, GRAĐEVINAR, 57 (12)

Antonia Jaguljnjak Lazarević
University of Zagreb
Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum Engineering

Heinrich Werner
University of Zagreb,
Faculty of Civil Engineering

Lidija Frgić
University of Zagreb,
Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum Engineering