
Published: Građevinar 75 (2023) 4
Paper type: Subject review
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Analysis of beach nourishment and construction in Croatia

Tonko Bogovac, Dalibor Carević, Damjan Bujak, Vjekoslav Novaković


Beaches on the eastern Adriatic coast are the basis of Croatia’s tourism offering while also being under pressure from climate change. Data is necessary to manage beaches effectively, but data is lacking as well as the long awaited national strategy for coastal management. This paper collected data about beaches from regional documents, nourishment data was obtained by survey from local municipalities while beach construction data was obtained from aerial photogrammetry. Croatia has more than 1904 small gravel beaches and nourishment is performed in small increments beinnaly, while more than 27 % of existing beach area has been constructed all primarily for the needs of beaches, marines and tourism.

beach nourishment, beach construction, gravel beaches, beach management, erosion


Bogovac, T., Carević, D., Bujak, D., Novaković, V.: Analysis of beach nourishment and construction in Croatia, GRAĐEVINAR, 75 (2023) 4, pp. 355-365, doi:


Bogovac, T., Carević, D., Bujak, D., Novaković, V. (2023). Analysis of beach nourishment and construction in Croatia, GRAĐEVINAR, 75 (4), 355-365, doi:


Creative Commons License
This paper is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Slika TB WEB
Tonko Bogovac
University of Zagreb
Faculty of Civil Engineering
DaliborCarevic WEB
Dalibor Carević
University of Zagreb
Faculty of Civil Engineering
slika db WEB
Damjan Bujak
University of Zagreb
Faculty of Civil Engineering
Slika VN WEB
Vjekoslav Novaković
University of Zagreb
Faculty of Civil Engineering