
UDK: 624.
DOI: n/a

Published: Građevinar 61 (2009) 9
Paper type: Subject review
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Analysis and shaping of cable stay bridges: an example of Jarun Bridge

Jure Radić, Alex Kindij, Ana Mandić Ivanković


The authors initially point out that a great number of parameters are responsible for the shaping of cable stay bridges. Principal requirements for the shaping of beams, stay cables and pylons are explained. Although this arrangement is necessary for clarity reasons, the analysis must also take into account a strong interaction between principal load-bearing structural elements. In addition, principal properties of Jarun bridge are explained in the light of guidelines for the shaping of cable stay bridges, and an accent is placed on specific features of this bridge.

stay cable, pylon, cable stay bridge, Jarun Bridge, analysis, shaping, beam


Radić, J., Kindij, A., Mandić Ivanković, A.: Analysis and shaping of cable stay bridges: an example of Jarun Bridge, GRAĐEVINAR, 61 (2009) 9


Radić, J., Kindij, A., Mandić Ivanković, A. (2009). Analysis and shaping of cable stay bridges: an example of Jarun Bridge, GRAĐEVINAR, 61 (9)
Autor Radić WEB
Jure Radić
University of Zagreb,
Faculty of Civil Engineering
Alex WEB
Alex Kindij
PB Palmotićeva 45
ami WEB
Ana Mandić Ivanković
University of Zagreb,
Faculty of Civil Engineering