
UDK: 624.4:624.042
DOI: n/a

Published: Građevinar 53 (2001) 2
Paper type: Original scientific paper
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Girder bridge durability analysis based on dynamic and static indicators

Želimir Šimunić, Jure Radić, Ivana Mekjavić, Božidar Pavlović


Authors present bearing capacity and usability of existing bridges of up to 50 m in span, and analyze their behavior under traffic load. Experimental and theoretical values of analyzed bridges of different cross sections and support systems, are compared. Advantages are analyzed and optimum systems with respect to durability are determined, and their behavior under seismic action is estimated. Guidelines for future improvements are given.

stress, deflections, concrete bridges, modal forms, girder bridges, durability, static analysis, dynamic analysis


Šimunić, Ž., Radić, J., Mekjavić, I., Pavlović, B.: Girder bridge durability analysis based on dynamic and static indicators, GRAĐEVINAR, 53 (2001) 2


Šimunić, Ž., Radić, J., Mekjavić, I., Pavlović, B. (2001). Girder bridge durability analysis based on dynamic and static indicators, GRAĐEVINAR, 53 (2)

Želimir Šimunić
University of Zagreb,
Faculty of Civil Engineering
Autor Radić WEB
Jure Radić
University of Zagreb,
Faculty of Civil Engineering

Ivana Mekjavić
University of Zagreb,
Faculty of Civil Engineering

Božidar Pavlović
Croatian Institute for bridges and constructions